Sunday, July 3, 2011

AIUDF, Maulana Badaruddin Ajmal and Jamiat Ulema-é-Hind

Maulana Badaruddin Ajmal now has enough teeth to brag about AIUDF for emerging a brawny opposition and his hunger to amass power has amplified manifold times. His appreciation for Vice Chancellor Maulana Muhammad Ghulam Vastanvi ripped him off the honor of being with the Jamiat Ulema-é-Hind's Arshand Madani faction in February. This created a lot of debate against him when he finally moved in to form an Assam Chapter of the Jamiat. This invited the ire of Arshad Madani who flew in to Guwahati to post mortem Ajmal’s performance as President of the Jamiat Ulema-é-Hind's Assam Chapter, his alleged use of the Jamiat to strengthen his political base, his eventual expulsion from the position of Presidentship and his formation of a Jamiat separate from the ambit of the Madanis in sharp retaliation.

Now in an attempt to spring back to the parent body of the Jamiat, Ajmal will formally side the Mahmud Madani faction of the Jamiat in opposition to Arshad Madani. To top it all Ajmal has managed matters to favor him the Presidentship of Jamiat Ulema-é-Hind’s (MM) Assam Chapter. Ajmal is all set to join Mahmud’s faction at a Convention in Garigaon today in the presence of Mahmud Madani himself. This will evidently help Ajmal project his global image as the savior of a debatable section of the Muslim's of Assam which he keenly aspires.

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